Saturday, March 21, 2020
Database project proposal Essay Example
Database project proposal Paper The Queue is a company that provides service to customers by helping them buy products. Customers can order not only hot products that spent much time to queue, but also simple products for helping customers save their times. For example: Concert tickets, Garrett popcorn, Cataracts buy one free one promotion, or Jams books at the national book fair. Customers can contact with our company by using our websites to ask for the information and order products. Customers must register as our members and there will be the order form to order products. Our company will receive orders and queue up for them. Business situation and constraints: Customer must register as companys members by giving their information such as first name, last name, telephone number, and address. One customer can order many products but at least one product per time. Customer need to fill in the order products form. Customer has to complete the payment form after ordering products which consists of using bank, amount of money, and date. Each order has order details that contain order detail d, amount, total price, product ID. Each partner companies can have zero to many products. Partner companies contain only unique company name. Products contain unique product id and product name. Order detail uses for making a queue to buy products. A staff can received many orders but many orders can come from only one staff or else a staff can be able not to receive any orders. Our company has two types of employees, which are staff and manager. Both of them contain employee ID, employee name, employee phone number. We will write a custom essay sample on Database project proposal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Database project proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Database project proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Manager is an employee who has experiences. Orders that specified by its order id can be placed or cant be placed on only one event. An event which is specified by its event name can be located at many locations which contain unique name and location address. Template 2: System (SIS) Requirements Database Application name: The Queue Description: The queue database uses to collect data of the whole business include all the products that customer order and their order detail, list of customers with information, Employees information, etc. Requirements Data Requirements: Customers information Payments information Orders and its detail Employees information Products that customer ordered and its company information Events that customer want our company to go and buy products and its location Functional Requirements: Insert There is ability for customer to order products and it will be inserted to the database. Administrator can be able to insert order for customer. Update Customers can be able to update their members information. Administrator can be able to update staff to queue for order from customer in the database. Delete Administrator can be able to delete order. System Interface Requirements: Our companys system needs to connect to credit card system for the payment method. Control Requirements: Customers pay for the payment. Customers order the orders. The orders that customer had order take placed at the events. The events located at location. Order from customers has order detail. Order detail use to queue for the products. Partners company has products. Staff received orders from customers. Payment use to pay on orders. Template 3: Database Analysis and Design Database Analysis Identify Entity: Entity Name Description Properties (Attributes) Customers Customer who want to reserve/buy via our service. Customers, Fame, Lame, Phone, C adder Events The event that customer want to reserve queue from such as concert reservation, phones reservation. Eventuate Location The place that those events take place such as Thai ticket major, apple store. Name, L adder Products Product that customers want to buy/reserve. Product, Productions Company Partner companies Companys Orders Order from customer Orders Order detail Detail of order Retardation, Tailpiece, Amount Payment Customer must pay reservation fee and the cost of products. Payment, Date, Amount, Bank Employee Employees of our company. Employed, Employment, Phone Staff The person who manages reservation process Manager The person who control company. Experience Identify Relationships: Relationship Name Degree/ Entity in the Relationship Connectivity / Cardinality One-to-One One-to-Many pay, order, placed, located, had, queue for, has, received Disjoint disjoint, disjoint System Structure Chart Initial RE Diagram
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Dragonflies, Suborder Anisoptera
Dragonflies, Suborder Anisoptera All dragonflies belong to the order Odonata, as do their close cousins, the damselflies. Because there are distinct differences between dragonflies and damselflies, taxonomists divide the order into two suborders. The suborder Anisoptera includes only the dragonflies. Description: So what makes a dragonfly a dragonfly, as opposed to a damselfly? Lets start with the eyes. In the dragonflies, the eyes are quite large, so large in fact they make up the bulk of the head. The eyes often meet at the top of the head, or come close to it. Next, look at the dragonflys body. Dragonflies tend to be stocky. When resting, a dragonfly holds its wings open horizontally. The hind wings appear broader at their bases than the fore wings. Male dragonflies will typically have a single pair of cerci at their hind ends, as well as a single appendage projecting from the underside of the tenth abdominal segment (called an epiproct). Female dragonflies often bear vestigial or nonfunctional ovipositors. Dragonfly nymphs (sometimes called larvae, or naiads) are entirely aquatic. Like their parents, larval dragonflies generally have stocky bodies. They breathe through gills located in their rectums (theres an interesting bit of insect trivia for you), and can propel themselves forward by expelling water from the anus. They also bear five short, spiky appendages at the hind end, giving the nymph a rather pointed appearance. Classification: Kingdom ââ¬â AnimaliaPhylum ââ¬â ArthropodaClass ââ¬â InsectaOrder ââ¬â OdonataSuborder - Anisoptera Diet: All dragonflies are predaceous throughout their life cycles. Adult dragonflies hunt other insects, including smaller dragonflies and damselflies. Some dragonflies capture prey in flight, while others will glean meals from vegetation. Naiads eat other aquatic insects, and will also catch and consume tadpoles and small fish. Life Cycle: Dragonflies undergo simple, or incomplete, metamorphosis, with just three stages to the life cycle: egg, larva or nymph, and adult. Mating in dragonflies is a fairly acrobatic achievement, and which sometimes begins with the male scooping out his competitors sperm and flinging it aside. Once mated, the female dragonfly deposits her eggs in or near the water. Depending on the species, the eggs may take anywhere from a few days to over a month to hatch. Some species overwinter as eggs, delaying the start of the larval stage until the following spring. The aquatic nymphs will molt and grow repeatedly, a dozen times or more. In the tropics, this stage may last only a month. In temperate areas, the larval stage can be considerably longer, and even last for several years. When the adult is ready to emerge, the larva climbs out of the water and fixes itself to a stem or other substrate. It sheds its exoskeleton one final time, and the adult emerges, looking pale and delicate in its teneral stage. The castoff skin that usually remains affixed to the substrate is called the exuvia. Special Adaptations and Behaviors: Dragonflies operate each of their four wings independently, which enables them to perform sophisticated aerial moves. Observe dragonflies patrolling around a pond, and youll see that they can take off vertically, hover, and even fly backwards. The dragonflys large, compound eyes each consist of about 30,000 individual lenses (called ommatidia). Most of their brainpower goes to processing visual information. A dragonflys range of vision is nearly a full 360à °; the only place it cant see well is directly behind it. With such keen eyesight and skillful maneuverability in the air, dragonflies can be tricky to catch ââ¬â just ask anyone who has ever tried to net one! Families in the Suborder Anisoptera: Petaluridae ââ¬â petaltails, graybacks Gomphidae ââ¬â clubtails Aeshnidae ââ¬â darners Cordulegastridae ââ¬â spiketails, biddies Corduliidae ââ¬â cruisers, emeralds, green-eyed skimmers Libellulidae ââ¬â skimmers Range and Distribution: Dragonflies live throughout the world, wherever aquatic habitats exist to support their life cycle. Members of the suborder Anisoptera number roughly 2,800 worldwide, with over 75% of these species living in the tropics. About 300 species of true dragonflies inhabit the U.S. mainland and Canada. Sources: Borror and DeLongs Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. JohnsonSuborder Anisoptera - Dragonflies, BugGuide.Net, accessed November 23, 2012Anisoptera, University of Wisconsin BioWeb, accessed November 23, 2012Dragonflies and Damselflies, Odonata, University of Florida, accessed November 23, 2012Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West, by Dennis Paulson
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