Friday, September 4, 2020
Essay On Pride And Prejudice Example For Students
Article On Pride And Prejudice In Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the accentuation is on incongruity, in its presentation of stupidity and the significance of social qualities. Jane Austens incongruity is pulverizing in its introduction of stupidity. There are different types of choice incongruity in Pride and Prejudice, now and again the characters are unwittingly amusing, as when Mrs. Bennet truly attests that she could never acknowledge any involved property, however Mr. Collins is willing to. ââ¬Å"Often Mr. Bennet and Elizabeth serve to legitimately communicate the creators unexpected opinionâ⬠(Trevor 352). At the point when Mary Bennet is the main little girl at home and doesn't need to be contrasted and her prettier sisters, the creator noticed that: ââ¬Å"it was suspected by her dad that she submitted to the change without much reluctanceâ⬠(Austen 189). Mr. Bennet turns his mind on himself during the emergency with Whickham and Lydia: ââ¬Å"let me once in my life feel the amount I have been at fault. I am not scared of being overwhelmed by the impression. It will die soon enoughâ⬠(Austen 230). Elizabeths incongruity is carefree w hen Jane asks when she started to cherish Mr. Darcy: ââ¬Å"It has been going ahead so slowly that I barely know when it started. However, I trust I should date it from my first observing his excellent grounds at Pemberlyâ⬠(Austen 163). ââ¬Å"She can be harshly cutting anyway in her comment on Darcys job in isolating Bingley and Janeâ⬠(Bowen 107): ââ¬Å"Mr. Darcy is exceptionally kind to Mr. Bingley, and takes a huge arrangement of care of himâ⬠(Austen 202). ââ¬Å"The creator additionally free of any character, utilizes incongruity in the story parts for a portion of her most honed judgmentsâ⬠(Bradley 9). The Meryton Community is happy that Lydia is wedding such a useless man as Whickham: ââ¬Å" and the amicableness wants for her well doing, which had continue before from all the resentful old women in Meryton, lost however a tad bit of their soul in this difference in conditions, on the grounds that with such a spouse, her hopelessness was certainâ⬠(Austen 270). ââ¬Å"Austen utilizes incongruity to incite delicate, unusual giggling and to make hidden, harsh perceptions too; in her grasp incongruity is an amazingly successful gadget for moral evaluationâ⬠(Francis 21): ââ¬Å"She has Elizabeth state that she trusts she will never chuckle at what is astute or goodâ⬠(Austen 143). The characters on Pride and Prejudice are loaded with social qualities. ââ¬Å"Every character is estimated against the insight and affectability which eighteen-century individuals called great sense, and they stand and fall by basic assent of the assessment made by the authorâ⬠(Hirsch 74). ââ¬Å"The characters themselves, the reasonable ones, acknowledge this norm, and their connections are controlled by it, Mr. Bennet can't be content with his better half since he doesn't regard herâ⬠(Watt 296): ââ¬Å"Mr. Bennet saw his significant other, he was contemplating how resolute she was, the means by which cash made her so cheerful, and how wolf in sheep's clothing she wasâ⬠(Austen 90). ââ¬Å"For this explanation he withdraws the ludicrousness of his family into mockery and carelessnessâ⬠(Schroer 84). ââ¬Å"Elizabeth additionally feels tormented by her familys imprudence, and can not resist acknowledging that it is so unsafe to Lydias and her own romancesâ⬠(Brower 172): ââ¬Å"I have terrible news for you hasty as a marriage between Mr. Whickham and our helpless Lydia would be, we are presently restless to be guaranteed it has occurred in Scotlandâ⬠(Austen 262). ââ¬Å"Likewise when Charlotte Lucas weds the harebrained Mr. Collins for simply materialistic reasons, Elizabeth realizes their kinship can never be the equivalent; they will isolate. This weight on great sense unites characters as wellâ⬠(Jenkins 289). Jane, Elizabeth, and the Gardiners are attached to one another by love and a ready trust in every others judgment. ââ¬Å"They can depend on both the brain and the core of the others; this reasonable and energetic mentality is the thing that attracts Darcy to Elizabeth the primary spot. Since the nature of good sense is so significant for the characters, we should recognize what it explicitly isâ⬠(Watt 300). The two attributes previously referenced, knowledge and affectability, are clearly basic. ââ¬Å"A aw areness of other's expectations likewise is by all accounts some portion of itâ⬠(Hirsch 64). Mrs. what's more, Mr. Bennet are not reasonable when they neglect to manage their family. This obligation includes a thought for the sentiments of others which senseless characters as Mr. Collins, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Lydia Bennet obviously need. ââ¬Å"What occurs in Pride and Prejudice happens to about us all, humiliation at the stupidity of family members, the insecure sentiments of beginning to look all starry eyed at, and the embarrass of out of nowhere understanding a major mistakeâ⬠(Bradley 28). ââ¬Å"The mental authenticity of the novel is uncovered in the brisk acknowledgment we have of how the characters feel, there is a persuading view regarding how an astute, feeling individual changes, the affectability of how individuals do feel and actâ⬠(Trevor 351); as when Elizabeth and Darcy resent one another and how they totally alter their perspectives with th e progression of time. .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a , .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a .postImageUrl , .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a , .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a:hover , .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a:visited , .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a:active { border:0!important; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a:active , .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a:hover { obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c 877cb1a .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u69d3692e48ff6a5f5a387578c877cb1a:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Two Tragic Hereo's Are Better Than One (Medea/Jason) EssayEnglish Essays
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Effects of globalization on supply chain management
Impacts of globalization on gracefully chain the board Official Summery This report assesses and investigations the impacts of globalization on gracefully chain the executives (SCM). then again it portrays the reconfiguration of business Further more it uncovers flexibly chain the board with five distinct drivers and those are Production, Inventory, Location, Transportation and Information. Creation is first driver in gracefully chain the board which portray Dell creation framework. Second driver in flexibly chain the board is Inventory, which has clarified with the assistance of Hewlett Packard. Where as third driver in gracefully chain the board is Location, which tells about Toyota, overall assembling activity. Transportation is fourth driver, which talked about FedEx. furthermore, last driver in gracefully chain the executives is Information, which has clarified by Procter Gamble. 1.GLOBALIZATION ââ¬Å"Globalization is characterized as allowance of faith based expectations that encourage a feeling of availability relationship and combination on the planet network the towers of globalization are open exchange and imperative common and lawful foundations that maintain individual and gathering rights while assistance social and monetary integrationâ⬠(Christopher, 2005). Globalization is a set up a world network that is prosperous and open minded, and on process that upgrades and reinforces worldwide comprehension and improves the quality and adequacy of business, expert, and individual associations through unlimited access to world items, innovation, and data. ââ¬Å"Globalization isn't equivalent with exchange volume and fare benefits, it is a direction that tries to upgrade and fortify worldwide understanding and compelling business, expert and individual interactionsâ⬠(Larsen, 2007). Normally question emerges in our brain what are the purposes behind globalization? An organization investigates worldwide creation for an assortment of reasons. While there are costs related with overseeing and working a worldwide association, numerous organizations seek after worldwide creation since it offers a few advantages (1-an) Access to less expensive work and activity costs is one of the most widely recognized explanations behind area creation offices abroad, work rates shift significantly among countries. Consequently, for some particular sorts of creation exercises, it is less expensive for organizations to deliver abroad than to reach out in their nations of origin. For some particular sorts of creation exercises, it is less expensive for organizations to deliver abroad than to extend in their nations of origin. For instance, many assembling offices have been set up in china and Bangladesh to exploit those nations, lower work costs. Correspondingly, many phone and web based client service focuses have been set up in India during ongoing long periods of lower working expenses. (1-b) Sometimes, organizations find their offices in another nation to gain admittance to the information and aptitudes of individuals in that nation. For instance, numerous data innovation based tasks have as of late been set up in a few eastern European nations and in India due to the tremendous pool of exceptionally talented laborers in those territories. It ought to be noticed that entrance to information and ability doesn't really come at lower cost. Switzerland, Germany, and Japan are instances of nations where organizations find office to gain admittance to populaces who are exceptionally talented in monetary administrations, building and innovation, despite the fact that the work costs are higher. (1-c) Yet another purpose behind globalization of ventures includes access to assets, certain pieces of the world are wealthy in normal assets. For instance, huge numbers of the minerals-situated in south American nations, which have a portion of the words biggest mining businesses. (1-d) Globalization likewise permits organizations access to new markets, by finding offices in new nations firms can showcase their items and administrations to another arrangement of clients. Along these lines, firms consistently search for development openings abroad. For instance, we can see the outlets of some well - realized America brands. For models McDonalds, Marriott, and Star bucks the world over. (1-e) Facilities at key universal areas can likewise lessen coordinations and appropriation cost. An outside area can turn into a center point for dispersion of an organizations items to business sectors in the neighboring locale. For instance, apple, Sony, and different gadgets makers work conveyance and warehousing offices at different vital areas in north America, Europe, Asia and the remainder of the world. (1-f) Sometimes firms find their offices universally to exploit charge and budgetary motivators gave by nearby governments. To energize improvement, many rising countries have built up sans ââ¬Å"tax creation zonesâ⬠inside their fringes. The organizations working inside these zones get critical expense discounts and access to less expensive capital. For instance, the product advancement offices of numerous global firms are situated in SEEPZ,(Santacruz gadgets trade handling zone) Mumbai, India. on account of exceptionally appealing assessment impetuses gave by the nearby government. (1-g) Finally, firms likewise find universally for political and industry-explicit reasons. For instance, by finding a creation office in a nation, giving work, and taking part in different network exercises, a firm can gradually become ââ¬Å"localâ⬠as opposed to remain a ââ¬Å"foreignâ⬠substance. For instance, Holden vehicles are normally viewed as Australian, however they have been a piece of the general engines family since the 1920s. (2)RECONFIGURE Today, numerous worldwide organizations have reconfigured their flexibly chan. Their are numerous purposes for this, for example, advance ICT (data and correspondence innovation), expanded spotlight on advertise necessities, worldwide competition, improvement in universal dismay transport framework, worldwide contention and so on. Market prerequisites obliges the organizations to reconfigure their gracefully chains and expanded weight on an ideal opportunity to conveyance expects association to be in close promptness to their customers, not really as far as physical separation, however as far as time twenty four hours lead time requests world for instance, such kind of condition very typical in a few ventures. so these conditions demonstrates that, association need to have reconfigure their conveyance places structure so as to meet necessities. In barely any businesses, for instance electronic and vehicle enterprises, the central organization requires stock near the central companys get together plants. then again, association are moving their assembling plants to minimal effort nations, so as to be more cost-productive. Further progressively, worldwide contention has constrained the associations to migrate their dissemination places and assembling activities so as to be both cost effective and serious. for instance, the majority of the design and shoe ventures have moved their assembling plant toward East. With respect to industry, German vehicle produces has bit by bit moved to south Africa, Czech republic, Hungary, Poland. coordinations. Coordinations delay features that couple of territorial dissemination community to single dispersion place to centralization of stock, until the genuine request got. full deferment is the postponement of assembling until the request got and after the gathering procedure. At this stage, the completed merchandise are sent by quick dissemination to the clients. The modified items are transported legitimately to the clients. ââ¬Å"Postponement of creation or coordinations is a system, which can be accomplish adaptability and fast reaction when tending to changes request. Creation deferment implies that particular segments are delivered by conjectures, and afterward gathered, bundled or in any case finished at a point downstream in the flexibly chain, closer to the client. Model at the strategic focus of a third partyâ⬠(Shah, 2009). (3) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ââ¬Å"Supply the board is the coordination of creation, stock, area, transportation, data among the members in a flexibly chain to accomplish the best of responsiveness and proficiency for the market being servedâ⬠(Brindley,2005). Contrast between customary coordinations and flexibly chain the executives Flexibly chain managementà à à à Traditional logisticsSupply chain the executives covers every single customary movement and furthermore incorporates exercises, for example, client assistance, advancement, financing, new product development,à à à à à à à Its focus on exercises like obtainment, dispersion, upkeep, and stock managementSupply fasten allude to combination of associations that arrange their activities and work together to circulate a product, to commercial center. Conventional coordinations happens inside the limits of a solitary association (4) FIVE MAJOR SUPPLY CHAIN DRIVERS The correct mix of responsiveness and proficiency in every one of these drivers permits a flexibly chain to ââ¬Å"increase all through while at the same time diminishing stock and working expenseâ⬠(Cohen,2005). (4.1) Production It is first driver is flexibly chain the executives. Creation is the quality of gracefully bind with respect to building and collecting items. Creation administrations are stockroom and manufacturing plants. on the off chance that stockrooms and plants are worked with a great deal of overabundance limit, at that point its become simple to associations or organizations to react rapidly for clients request. Creation action covers fabricating, hardware defending and quality control. From the above fig responsiveness versus productivity, plainly, creation shows, which item ought to be produce? What amount need to delivered? What is advertise request? When ought to be delivered?. (Sheik, 2003) ââ¬Å"Factories can be worked for assembling of item center, a manufacturing plant that takes an item focu
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Nazi Propaganda Essay -- World War II WWII
Nazi Propaganda Publicity endeavors to drive a teaching overall individuals... Promulgation chips away at the overall population from the point of view of a thought and makes them ready for the triumph of this thought. These expressions of Adolf Hitler are taken from his book Mien Kampf (My Struggle) distributed in 1926. Purposeful publicity was an intricate and fundamental instrument utilized broadly by Hitler and the Nazi's during their threatening rule of Germany and all through Europe. In addition to the fact that it was utilized to advance and support the gathering and its pioneer's extraordinary enemy of Semitic qualities, yet in addition to veil the stunning realities of what was to get known as the Holocaust. Hostile to Jewish measures and projects have occurred various occasions from the beginning of time, however never to the degree and achievement accomplished by the Third Reich. An away from for this degree of achievement can be credited fundamentally to the plentiful measures of falsehood discharged by the Nazis before and during World War II. The level of significance these open influencing gadgets were to Hitler turned out to be especially clear when he made the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, declaring a man by the name of Joseph Goebbels as the head. This was a segment of his extremist system gave exclusively to spreading lies. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's sites depicts, The Ministry's point was to guarantee that the Nazi's message was effectively conveyed through craftsmanship, music, theater, films, books, radio, instruction and press. The measures that were taken to spread these disdainful thoughts and qualities are very amazing. Hostile to Jewish books were even brought into study halls, one broadly called Der Gifpiltz signifying The Poisonous Mushroom. The book contained differe... ...nd grievous. While, luckily their total objective was never reached, it is disturbing and stunning how effective and compelling these battles were. Hitler's intense despise of the Jews and energy for power blended in with knowledge and extraordinary speech abilities shows the intensity of influence and authority of promulgation in present day social orders. Eventually, the huge utilization of recorded lies and printed manufacture non-straightforwardly supported in executing an expected 6 million Jewish people during World War II. Works Cited Giesen, Rolf. Nazi Propoganda Films: A History and Filmography. McFarland and Company, 2003. Hiemer, Ernst. The Poisonous Mushroom. Der Stã ¼rmer-Nurnberg, 1938. Powell, Lawrence N. Pained Memory: Anne Levy, the Holocaust and David Duke's Louisiana. The University of North Carolina Press, 2000.
Manage Multiple WordPress Websites From One Dashboard 5 Tools
Lets be realistic dealing with various WordPress destinations can get entirely tumultuous. With such a large number of routine undertakings to do, without a doubt youll have brief period left to concentrate on gainful work. Luckily, there are approaches to make things simpler. One choice is to go in for overseen WordPress facilitating. Be that as it may, if youd rather handle everything all alone, there are some incredible apparatuses to assist you with dealing with numerous WordPress sites from a solitary dashboard.By robotizing repeating assignments and letting you rapidly get to various locales, these modules assist you with keeping steady over updates, reinforcements, and heaps of other everyday administration capacities. The quantity of sites that you oversee. That is on the grounds that the estimating model for most modules is on a for each site basis.The extra or additional highlights that each module offers. The beneficial thing is fundamental highlights like updates and upti me checking are accessible with most modules. What can tip the scales is the pertinence of the extra highlights to your website.The ease of use of the interface.In most cases, youll need to pursue a free/paid record to approach administrations, backing or include ons.After we present every one of the 5 devices, well offer an itemized correlation table to assist you with making your decision.1. ManageWP Worker Author(s): GoDaddyCurrent Version: 4.9.1Last Updated: August 28, 94%Ratings 8,837,662Downloads WP 3.1+Requires ManageWPà follows the freemium model all the center highlights are accessible for nothing in an essential module and extra capacities are packaged into premium additional items. Whats decent, be that as it may, is the exceptionally adaptable evaluating model (every month, per site) that guarantees that you just need to pay for the highlights you use.To utilize their administration, pursue a ManageWP account with your email and include your website.Next, youll need to introduce the module on each site you add to the Admin board in ManageWP. What's more, when you dispatch your dashboard, youll discover all the sites you include shown there.Working off a natural interface, youll have the option to click and enact reinforcements, check execution, screen your site, and more.Key FeaturesIntegrates with Google AnalyticsCustomizable support modePerformance checks, store and track results, and remember them for customer reportsReal-time reinforcements, cloning, and migrationSEO positioning toolA safe updates alternative that lets you make reestablish focuses and reign in updatesIn option, you can empower two-factor authentication.Advanced clients will likewise like that you can add code pieces to different websites.2. CMS Commander CMS Commander Manage Multiple Sites Author(s): CMS CommanderCurrent Version: 2.285Last Updated: June 18, 2019cms-officer 96%Ratings 212,380Downloads Requires Our next plugin,à CMS Commander, ac companies a dashboard that looks like the local WordPress dashboard. The best part is that its simple to make reusable formats just as totally new WordPress sites, total with pre-arranged settings.After a multi day free preliminary, youll need to choose one of their excellent plans. Bundles start at $12 every month for 10 sites, coming to $75 every month for 200 sites. Furthermore, you can include 20 sub-client represents $9/month.The module brings to the table standard highlights like two-factor validation, refreshes, off-site reinforcement and reestablish with a solitary snap. That is not all, youll likewise find worked in uptime checking and malware scanner.Key FeaturesConfigurable reinforcements permit you to incorporate/reject explicit organizers, whole locales or simply the databasesBulk introduce modules and mass post to any number of blogsResults of security examines structure some portion of customer reportsCloning, support mode, database optimizationBacklink and page speed following right on your dashboardAs for examination, when you associate with your Google website admin account, youll additionally discover the details of every one of your destinations in a single place and have the option to follow keywords.What separates CMS Commander is the accentuation on content administration, promoting, and adaptation. The inherent substance proofreader permits you to make or alter pages and posts on any number of web journals, mass post, and timetable publishing.The module additionally causes you to legitimately source pictures, recordings and associate promotions for nothing from 20+ outer sources, for example, YouTube and Flickr. Additionally, the amazing import work lets you import your own RSS channels, CSV information channels and content files.3. WP Remote The WP Remote WordPress Plugin Author(s): maekitCurrent Version: Updated: January 11, 88%Ratings 606,953Downloads WP 3.0+Requires Another module worth looking a t is WP Remote. While its to some degree light on highlights, its an absolutely free answer for deal with numerous WordPress sites. No superior additional items, secured highlights or memberships to pay for. While it might be an incredible choice for certain clients, you might be compelled to avoid this one if its missing a particular element that is critical to you.From a simple to-utilize interface, you can refresh WordPress with a solitary snap and back it up as well.Key FeaturesUser-accommodating interfacePerformance checks, investigation, support modeDownload a depiction of your siteAside from these highlights, the administration utilizes an API to deal with your locales. This additional safety effort implies you can get to your site without requiring login qualifications. WP Remote may simply be the appropriate response if youre on a tight spending plan and searching for a straightforward module to handily deal with numerous WordPress sites from a solitary dashboard.4. Jetpack Manage Jetpack by Author(s): AutomatticCurrent Version: 7.8Last Updated: October 1, 78%Ratings 145,415,907Downloads WP 5.1+Requires We all realize that Jetpack comes stacked with highlights. In any case, did you realize that one of Jetpacks 35+ modules, Jetpack Manage, lets you deal with various WordPress websites?For this to work, the module should be dynamic on all the destinations, and youll need to associate with your account.à Further, by essentially flipping alternatives, you can refresh modules specifically on various locales, see your webpage details, and switch between destinations easily.Bloggers will likewise cherish the capacity to make, alter and present substance on various web journals, all from a focal editor.Key FeaturesSelective updatesView singular webpage statsBulk postingUptime checking and backupsFeature for highlight, Jetpack Manage may not so much be a counterpart for the different modules on this rundown. Be that as it may, enacting this module to deal with numerous WordPress locales is a smart thought if youre previously utilizing Jetpack on your site. Beside that, for capacities like reinforcement, checking uptime, and details, youll need to enact other modules.5. InfiniteWP Client Author(s): RevmakxCurrent Version: Updated: July 25, 88%Ratings 4,008,990Downloads WP 3.1+Requires Yet another module worth looking at to deal with various WordPress sites is InfiniteWP. It embraces a freemium model. Tragically, the greater part of the usefulness is secured premium additional items. Whats distinctive about this module is that it expects you to introduce the product on your server. Viably, this implies no outsider approaches your data.The dashboard offers you a flying creatures eye perspective on the entirety of your destinations. Essentially by drifting over each site, you can see subtleties like reinforcement, refreshes, WordPress rendition and more.One click updates, reinforcements, and reestablishes are a piece of the free highlights (forever, with refreshes!). Whats more is that youll be capable toâ write and distribute presents on numerous WordPress sites legitimately from InfiniteWP.Key FeaturesBulk establishment of pluginsMaster login highlight, so youll never need to sign into individual sitesWhile yearly paymentâ starts at $147 for ten locales, it goes up to $647 for the Enterprise plan. Theres a 14-day unconditional promise tossed in.Wrapping things upNot sure which apparatus to pick? Heres a supportive table that lets you effectively look at the highlights and evaluating of each instrument: FeatureCMS Commander ManageWP WPRemote InfiniteWP Jetpack ManageFree/PremiumPremium, 30 days free trialFree + Premium include onsTotally free. No ace featuresFree + Premium include onsFree. accountPricingStarts at $12/mth for 10 destinations to $75/mth for 200 sitesper add-on/every month/per websiteStarts at $147 for 10 loca les to $647 for Enterprise (annual).Updates for center, subjects, pluginsâÅ"âÅ" Safe updates (Pro)âÅ"âÅ"âÅ" (for plugins)Bulk put in new topics, plugins.âÅ"âÅ"âÅ"â"âÅ"âÅ"â"Backup Sch/auto ext storageâÅ" âÅ" âÅ"âÅ" (month to month) realtime (Pro) âÅ"âÅ" âÅ" âÅ"â"âÅ" (Pro) âÅ" (Pro) âÅ" (Pro)âÅ" Backup module (Pro)RestoreâÅ"âÅ"From backupâÅ"From backupCloningâÅ"âÅ" (Pro)âÅ"â"âÅ" (Pro)âÅ"â"Maintenance modeâÅ"âÅ"âÅ"â"âÅ" (Pro)âÅ"â"Manage commentsâÅ"âÅ"âÅ"â"âÅ" (Pro)âÅ" (Jetpack Comments)Manage usersâÅ"âÅ"âÅ"â"âÅ" (Pro)âÅ"â"SecurityMalware scanningMalware, boycotting. Adv includes in Pro.âÅ"â"Wordfence, iThemes and defenselessness check (Pro)Brute power ensure. Spam/malware (Pro)Uptime monitorâÅ"âÅ" (Pro)âÅ"â"âÅ" (Pro)âÅ"Login security2FA. No requirement for passwords.2FANo passwords. Remarkable API keys.2FA, login just from explicit IPs.âÅ"â"Developer featuresâÅ"â"Code snippetsJSON based REST APICode scraps (Pro)âÅ"â"G oogle AnalyticsâÅ"âÅ"âÅ"â"âÅ" (Pro)âÅ" (Pro)Special featuresEmphasis content administration and monetizationShare access with colleagues without uncovering passwordDownload preview of your siteInstalled on your own server. No sharing of information with third partiesMulti-useful pluginBy utilizing one of these devices to deal with different WordPress sites, youll have the option to work all the more beneficially and save time to do fun stuff like making content!Now over to you do you have any most loved module to deal with numerous WordPress sites? Have bunches of locales? Figure out how to deal with various #WordPress locales from a solitary dashboard
Friday, August 21, 2020
Enterprise Resource Planning (any modules) Application
Question: Talk about the Enterprise Resource Planning (any modules) Application. Answer: Presentation The venture asset arranging has different modules in which we have chosen Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application. Client relationship the executives helps the organization or business to increment or lift their business execution by giving a superior client care and submitting a solid relationship with the potential customers (Neslin, 2014). The best piece of Customer relationship the executives (CRM) is that we can have all the subtleties accessible in it. CRM (Customer relationship the board) helps the organization to follow and deal with the point by point information or data of the clients. The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application can be utilized in any industry to know their client recognition, for instance, Foster's Group executed CRM in their industry to comprehend what their potential clients consider their items and about their association and how they can improve their administrations. Affectability of Customer Relationship Management application The client relationship the executives application is the most significant and delicate resource for any organization who have received and actualized CRM in their business. It has been the most effective and most grounded approach in making and keeping up the corporate relationship with the potential customers. It isn't only an application; it makes a solid individual holding inside personals (Nguyen Mutum, 2012). This sort of bond improvement will prompt business achievement. A few clients move starting with one area then onto the next area, or they leave business, or they have proceeded onward to a serious organization so there are such huge numbers of reasons that a client can be lost for a specific business. The study that says 34% of client misfortune is because of the above reasons, and 66% clients are lost because of different components (Wang Feng, 2012). CRM (Customer Relationship Management) plays a touchy or basic job for some organizations to keep a decent outline of the potential customers. It gives us the correct instrument to enroll the contacts and potential client drives (Kumar Reinartz, 2012). We can know our customers by the actualizing CRM in the business that would help with item improvement and consumer loyalty. The customer's connection is followed by utilizing Customer relationship the board application since it causes the clients to feel that they are imperative to the organization since they do have a reputation of the customer cooperation and the customer doesn't need to clarify it, over and over, each time they contact the help or administration group. It is basic in such a case that they don't have the past collaboration of client then they may feel that they have to clarify it once more, and the organization doesn't consider them significant (Koegler et al., 2013). The basic role of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is to offer better help to client commitment where each innovation, projects, and systems are made or worked around to give the correct sort of commitment for good or better conceivable experience of customers (Khodakarami Chan, 2014). It is delicate in light of the fact that the organization is relied upon the CRM on the grounds that it is the focal mainstay of consumer loyalty as it makes satisfactory holding between the organization and their potential customers, they connect successfully with their clients by the usage of client relationship the board. The CRM is delicate in light of the fact that it contains all the recorded investigation and perspective on all the potential clients and this assistance to diminish the associating and looking of their customers which affects the expansion in business. It not just uses to manage the potential clients or customers, however it is likewise utilized for getting new customers or clients. Usage of Customer Relationship Management with cloud condition There are a few purposes behind receiving distributed computing by the vast majority of the association, the beneath outline figure 1 clarifies that there are three principle reasons why the greater part of the endeavor looks to actualize mists, for example, dismissing the product and equipment consumption, Scalability and adaptability of Information innovation assets and fiasco recuperation and business coherence (Chuang et al., 2015). The distributed computing gives three distinct models, for example, PaaS (Private as a help) and SaaS (Software as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). Here for Implementation of Customer Relationship Management in the cloud, we can utilize the SaaS model in the private cloud. CRM is the most significant for developing business and foundation of a vigorous and sound establishment with clients is basic. Figure1: Possible Engagement in Cloud registering (Source: Brender Markov, 2013, pp.730) The SaaS utilizes the site to convey applications which are overseen by the outsider specialist co-op, and the interface is gotten to by the client side. The CRM frameworks need to perform well since it's essential to incorporate all the information from business administrations, giving a consistent change, improving business proficiency and help the business to hit every vital objective and destinations. In SaaS model, the CRM shouldn't be introduced and run the application in the client server farms or their PCs (Lal Bharadwaj, 2015). It decreases the consumption of equipment, upkeep, and provisioning, backing, establishment and programming permitting are different advantages and points of interest of SaaS model. The SaaS model gives better advantages since everything is overseen by the merchant closes and no additional expense is required. Figure 2: CRM in Cloud (Source: Alryalat Alhawari, 2014, pp.10) The CRM execution in a cloud must be done in private cloud sending model. CRM should be picked by the organization. For instance for Salesforce, that is the best SaaS CRM that can be actualized in private cloud arrangement model. At the point when the CRM in cloud alludes that the CRM programming device and the database of the client on the association remembered for the cloud and are conveyed to the potential clients with the utilization of the web. The Customer Relationship Management in the cloud provides access to the (Customer Relationship Management) CRM application through site instruments, for example, site program where the framework director will predefine the entrance levels in the association (Peng, 2014). Representatives can go into the CRM framework at the same time utilizing a web program or gadget and can get to the information or work on the CRM framework. The CRM when coordinated or actualized in the Cloud then it provides productivity, adaptability, and unwavering quality in administration, deals, and advertising as portrayed in Figure 2. Difficulties in cloud usage There are no specific troubles that can be referenced on the grounds that consistently there are some new difficulties that emerge in distributed computing (Rong et al., 2013). Let us talk about some regular provokes that should be tended to enough managed by any association. Picking the correct cloud model: It is imperative to choose the correct cloud model among SaaS, PaaS or IaaS. The aaS alludes accessible as an assistance and things get simpler when the business prerequisites are known and which should be met. The cloud methodologies consistently start with a venture system and conclusions of the prizes or danger of various decisions (Jensen, 2013). It is said that the usage is last, and business methodology or case is first. Information Security: The security consistently remains on the top as the greatest test for any assistance and in case of distributed computing it is the equivalent. It constantly a security issue when any firm or endeavor is moving to cloud condition. Numerous organizations don't abstain from executing cloud in their association because of security concern. Security remains the all inclusive issue or concern, and no such arrangement is there that can deal with the expansiveness of cloud issues or concern (Chen Zhao, 2012). Constraining Networks: The framework makes a critical issue in cloud usage or mix. The vast majority of the organizations just spotlight on the assets that cloud offers nut they overlook that to successfully use the cloud assets an appropriate system is required, and the system must be prepared to deal with such gigantic data transfer capacity. So it is fairly significant that before actualizing distributed computing in the association, the firm needs to watch that their system associations are alright. Managing Data: The large information assumes a basic job in numerous organizations the individuals who are moving to the cloud. Enormous or little size organizations items colossal measure of information consistently. Presently considering a model that if the volume and the speed of information are an excessive amount to control or handle, at that point the firm may wind up losing more than they gain. Beginning from Zero: To actualize the cloud in the association, some best strategies and practices should be arranged at first before picking cloud as a possibility for the organization. There are five basic of distributed computing that should be arrived at that are estimated administrations, asset pooling, requested self-administrations, complete system access, and quick versatility. Other than that the organization or firm needs to build up some other accepted procedures that are planned for improving the robotization of errand and from better correspondence which benefits representatives. Recommendations or thoughts for the difficulties referenced For the above difficulties that are referenced, a few arrangements should be routed to beat such difficulties. Assurance or Security: All the classified information is put away in the cloud, and it is altogether obscure that the specialist organizations ensure the information with legitimate security are the essential concern. The information can't be access by the specialist co-op as they need to depend completely on the organization gave foundation and to give full information security with restricted dealing with alternatives. To unravel this issue, the organization needs to give a layered security to layer design of the cloud. For instance,
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Understanding Cocaine Addiction
Understanding Cocaine Addiction Addiction Drug Use Cocaine Print Understanding Cocaine Addiction By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on September 03, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on September 03, 2019 More in Addiction Drug Use Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery As a Schedule II controlled substance, the recreational use of cocaine is illegal in the United States. It carries this federal classification because it is considered a substance with a high potential for misuse and severe psychological or physical dependence. When defining cocaines addiction potential, the short answer is that cocaine is addictive. But not everyone who uses cocaine gets addicted, so the long and most complete answer is that many factors affect whether someone who uses will develop a cocaine addiction. One of the primary issues with conversations about substance addiction is the focus on the drug rather than the mental health and history of the person taking it. Statistically, the rate of substance use disorders among people who have taken cocaine is low. A 2006 epidemiological study showed that about 80% of people who use cocaine are not chemically dependent two years later.?? However, the remaining 20% are at risk of developing a use disorder. But as with any drug, all who take it are at risk of its negative side effects. 6 Things to Know About Cocaine Addiction The exact time that it takes for cocaines subjective effects to be felt varies depending on the route of administrationâ"whether it is smoked, injected, taken orally, or snorted.Smoking crack cocaine and being younger at the time of first cocaine use are both significant risk factors for addiction.You can reduce, although not eliminate, the risks associated with cocaine use with harm reduction strategies.After the initial crash, cocaine withdrawal symptoms can last for weeks or months.Cocaine addiction, referred to as stimulant use disorder in the DSM-5, is a disorder characterized by a number of criteria, of which the experience of withdrawal symptoms is but one. DSM-5 Criteria for Substance Use Disorders Factors That Influence Addiction Potential Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant. The pharmacological mechanism of cocaine influences how users can develop stimulant use disorder. Cocaine takes effect quickly and wears off quickly, giving people who use it a tendency to want to use more, often over a short period of time. Cocaine has a relatively short half-life, which means that the subjective effects (also known as the high) occur quicklyâ"instantly if smoked, within three to five minutes if snorted, and 15 to 30 minutes if injected.?? Consequently, the comedown occurs relatively soon after, typically between one and three hours after taking the drug, and the quick onset of withdrawal effects can encourage a pattern of use known as binge and crash. This pattern of excessive use for a period, followed by exhaustion and much more limited use, followed by a higher rate of consumption, has been observed in animal and human studies to increase the risk of dependence and addiction.?? The purity of the cocaine used also has a large influence on whether a person develops stimulant use disorder. Cocaine purchased in underground markets may be as little as 10% pure, with up to 90% of the substance being made up of other substances that are mixed in. Often, the substances used to cut cocaine are chosen because they look, taste, or feel like cocaine, such as pseudoephedrine, levamisole, benzocaine, or caffeine. Some of the substances used, such as amphetamine and methamphetamine, carry their own addiction potential. Others have cross-tolerance with cocaine. How Set and Setting Affect Cocaine Addiction Research with people who use recreational drugs has shown that set and setting, or the psychological and physical contexts of drug use, can influence whether a person develops a substance use disorder.?? Even animals have a tendency to use cocaine in areas they associate with the drug, over and above areas they preferred before cocaine exposure. Using cocaine in situations that feel good may make it more difficult to enjoy the same situation without the drug in the future. Animal and human studies have also shown an increase in cocaine self-administration when food is restricted. This finding has important implications for people who are restricting their food intake to aid weight loss, particularly if they are also using cocaine as an appetite suppressant, to increase their energy level, or to increase their metabolism. Things to Consider About Cocaine Use While it can be a pleasant high for some people, cocaine can be unpredictable, causing over-stimulation, erratic social behavior, the risk of mental and physical health problems, and even death from overdose. A person is more likely to develop stimulant use disorder if they have low self-esteem, if they have a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression, or psychosis, if anyone in their family has a substance use disorder, or if they have a history of abuse.?? If any of these issues are affecting you, you should avoid cocaine use, or indeed any substance use, and seek help for the underlying issues, rather than try to overcome or avoid it through cocaine use. Your family doctor can help you with this and refer you to a specialist who can give you appropriate treatment. What to Know About Cocaine Use Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorder If you are already into a pattern of using cocaine, seek help from your doctor or an addiction clinic.?? Your doctor can help you manage your withdrawal symptoms to increase your comfort and reduce the risk of relapse. Effective treatment for stimulant use disorder also requires treatment of any comorbid conditions. Often, excessive cocaine use is a coping mechanism for dealing with other challenges in a persons life. The reality is that those challenges will still be there after a person stops using cocaine. As a result, if you are trying to stop using cocaine its very important that you also seek supportive mental health treatment.?? There are effective treatments, and your doctor can help you determine which is right for you. The 7 Best Mental Health Apps A Word From Verywell Most people who use cocaine dont have long-term problems with addiction, but the risks that come with even occasional use are serious. If you or a loved one has a problem with cocaine use, there is help available. If youre unsure where to turn, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers an anonymous online treatment locator, or you can call their National Helpline for a referral at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). What to Expect From Cocaine Withdrawal
Monday, June 22, 2020
Sexual Assault in College-age Women - Free Essay Example
Sexual assault on college campusââ¬â¢ is becoming more frequent with 15% of women attending college facing some sort of sexual assault every year (Wood, Stichman 1). Rape culture is becoming a increasingly talked about topic in young adult audiences, with more mental health resources becoming available and pushes for women to involve the criminal justice system to report their assaults. With these advancements taken in consideration, why do so many cases of sexual assault still go unreported and how do universities reduce it from happening all together? The threat of sexual assault is a constant fear for most women, especially in college age populations. According to Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, ââ¬Å"310 out of every 1,000 rapes are reported to the police and that college-aged women have the lowest reporting rateâ⬠. Universities and police alike need to create an encouraging environment, access to counseling, and trauma-sensitive training that allows victims to feel comfortable in reporting these attacks. Reporting sexual assault immediately following an attack is incredibly difficult for survivors, especially for women seeking legal action and reporting their assault to the authorities. These women are all too commonly met with disbelief, judgment, and a poor understanding of the psychological trauma associated. This is more common among college aged women, as most of them are often exposed to sexual assault in varying degrees and have witnessed people brush it under the rug or ignore it . Often times younger women are seen as fabulists in the eyes of the law, with a focus on crimes of sexual assault. Women in college arenââ¬â¢t taken seriously and constantly seen as being childish or dramatic. This furthers a younger womanââ¬â¢s reluctance to involve police, instilling a fear that is grounded in concerns about not being taken seriously, blamed, or embarrassed. As a community, our understanding and treatment of sexual assault is dim and bleak. Even more so for those that directly fall on the path of a victim seeking litigation, such as law enforcement. With further sensitivity training and education that discourages placing blame on the victims, and an attitude that makes these women feel as though their story is important and should be given careful attention and due process, the percentage of sexual assaults going unreported will decrease. Universities are expanding their resources to encourage victims of sexual assault to come forward and report their assaults, but the availability of these resources for sexual assault prevention, reporting, and treatment on college campuses does not mean that they are adequate or sufficient. Problems may arise when university therapists and counselors harbor gender biases, buy into rape myths, or are unprepared to be sympathetic and understanding to the trauma that sexual assault victims are experiencing. Colleges need to focus on how they can provide an environment that facilitates an understanding and supportive atmosphere. Gathering information related to help-seeking behaviors can lead to campus policies in regard to encouraging victims to report their experiences and seek medical and emotional assistance, as well as aid in the development of prevention policies.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Feminism in Hamlet - 1451 Words
ââ¬Å"Feminist Criticism and Its Integration in Hamletâ⬠In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, many controversies arose from the text, one of which was feminism. Feminism in the most general of terms is known as the principle advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. Feminism was a largely debated issue in the context of eighteenth century literature specific to many of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s texts. Feminist Criticism is similar in content but is more specific and pertains to the ââ¬Å"lensâ⬠through which a text is viewed or perceived. During the era of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s existence, many of his female characters and the plots surrounding them were considered antifeminist due to the role that the women played orâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Hamlet attempts a ââ¬Ëself cureââ¬â¢ to deal with his mental instability. He uses his control over the written word to empower himself in emotionally disturbing situations, example s of which include the letters to Ophelia, his forged orders to England, and his rewriting of The Murder of Gonzagoâ⬠. Yet at the hands of a similar insanity, Ophelia ââ¬Å"does not have the same means for elaborating a delirium as a man. She possesses very limited access to any verbal communication with which to unpack her heart before her fatherââ¬â¢s deathâ⬠. After his passing, Ophelia is confronted with an opportunity to express herself in a similar way to Hamlet through her songs. These songs are in the same style as Hamletââ¬â¢s variation of ââ¬ËThe Mouse Trapââ¬â¢. In the context of other renaissance women dealing with similar touches of insanity, ââ¬Å"Opheliaââ¬â¢s experience of trying to find a voice in the play seems a model for the difficulties facing renaissance womenâ⬠characters and writers alike. (Findlay, Alison). When it comes to Gertrude and her son Hamlet, the feminist lens gets clouded because he both treats her as a true being wi th thoughts/opinions and yet is constantly demoralizing her for her actions. In Act III, Hamlet is confronting Gertrude about her mistakes with Claudius. Hamlet goes on to desexualize his mother and even goes as far as calling her a whore in a subtle way. In an attempt to force her intoShow MoreRelatedFeminism in both Hamlet and Lady Oracle Essay1179 Words à |à 5 PagesThe literary works, Hamlet and Lady Oracle, chart both the lifeââ¬â¢s course of their main characters and underline the protagonistââ¬â¢s trajectory in some decisive moments of their existence, when both of them, Hamlet and Joan Foster, need to take some decisions which may change their destinies. In this brief essay I will try to point out similarities and differences between these two stories taking into consideration a feminist approach. First and foremost I would like to mention what do I mean byRead MoreOphelia And Feminism Essay1471 Words à |à 6 PagesIn the play Hamlet Written by William Shakespeare Ophelia is objectified based upon her gender and virginity by her brother Laertes, and is cast aside and treated like a powerless second class citizen by Hamlet. The Oxford Dictionary defines feminism as ââ¬Å"The advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of the equality of the sexes.â⬠Applying the feminist ideal as stated in the previous definition to Opheliaââ¬â¢s situation we can reach the conclusion that Ophelia was not treated with the respect and givenRead MoreThe Awakening And No Fear Shakespeare Hamlet Analysis1006 Words à |à 5 PagesIn the novel ââ¬Å"The Awakeningâ⬠and in the play ââ¬Å"No Fear Shakespeare: Hamletâ⬠the two stories relate to feminism in a number of ways. In The Awakening, Mr.Pontellier uses his wife in the beginning for basically watching their kids and taking care of them so that he can go on his business trip which is basically a guys night out. In Hamlet, the young prince is mourning the death of his father and his uncle has now married his mother. The prince is upset because his mother has moved on from the deathRead MoreAnalysis And Comparison Of Ophelia And Antigone1485 Words à |à 6 PagesAntigone alludes to the sufferings that their family has gone through and the fate that awaits them as the only remaining family members (Sophocles. 1. 5-10). Ismene s character is used to show the difference between the two and to bring out the feminism in Antigone. Whereas Ismene believes that her duty as a woman is to the men, Antigone insists that her duty is only to Zeus, and she is ready to die for doing well by him. Further into the story Antigone is to deal with Creon as an opponent. CreonRead MoreHamlet Family Vs Duty947 Words à |à 4 PagesFamily Vs Duty: Hamlet Essay The Tragedy of Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare in the renaissance era. The renaissance era is a time when playwright and art both flourishing within Europe. Shakespeare has written many plays, rather, adapted many historical events into plays, such as Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and more. The Tragedy of Hamlet is a play which dives into the psychotics of prince Hamlet the second. After his uncle kills his father and marries his mom, Hamlet witnesses the ghostRead MoreHamlet by William Shakespeare858 Words à |à 3 Pages The play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, is set in an anti-feminist era. Women traditionally have been seen inferior to men. This was an intellectual as well as a physical issue. Women were to raise a family, cook, clean, be pretty and not be smarter than any man. The main characters Ophelia and Gertrude are both depicted with these characteristics as powerless and frail people. This illustration of helpless women affects ones understanding of what their true selves could be. What if thereRead MoreThe Role Of Female Characters In Hamlet1347 Words à |à 6 PagesHamlet is a play about death, revenge, and love. Written by William Shakespeare, this play is famous around the world for its dramatic plot. The central theme of Hamlet is love. The story starts off with a Queen falling in love with the brother of her husband. The Queen decides to quickly marry the brother of her previous husband, when her previous husband suddenly dies. Her son (Prince Hamlet), who loves his biological father and disagrees with his motherââ¬â¢s quick decision to marry, is quite saddenedRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1061 Words à |à 5 PagesKylie Kwiatt Jaime Jordan Reading Shakespeare October 29, 2014 Hamlet through Feminist Lens In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the character of Ophelia may be looked at and analyzed through a Feminist perspective. By using a Feminist lens, readers may observe the impact of patriarchal society and misogyny on the mind of a young lady doing her best to fit into the role of a Shakespearian-era woman. Women were expected to be virginal, yet sexual, subservient and inferior to men, and possessionsRead MoreSomething and Nothing in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1731 Words à |à 7 Pagesasks Hamlet What is my Lord? and Hamlet replies Nothing.(3.2. 109,111) Shakespeare uses nothing multifariously in his tragic playà Hamlet.à Nothing becomes a way for the reader to draw parallels between Young Hamlet, and his slain father.à Young Hamletsà use ofà the word nothing, consistently borders on the realm of something. Still, nothing is more than aà mere lack of something, nothing is the catalyst that enables the reader to see the coalescency that exists between Haml et, andRead MoreGender Inequality In Hamlet1261 Words à |à 6 PagesAs I perused through CNN, an article titled ââ¬Å"Why China has so few female leadersâ⬠caught my attention. According to the article, The Baju Culture, discriminatory policy and the anti-feminism were the reasons China only had two female leaders. However, when observing the world trend, it seems many opportunities and resources are granted to women. Many articles of The New York Times reveal young women as being less dependent on men, higher achievers, ahead of men in education, receiving higher earnings
Monday, May 18, 2020
Should Space Be Colonized Essay examples - 823 Words
Day by day, Earthââ¬â¢s population is getting larger, resources are becoming scarcer, and the thought of colonizing space has come to mind. However, is this such as good idea? Billions of dollars will need to make this one of a kind expedition, and willing volunteers will be needed. However, who will dare to go on an adventure like this? How will we do it? If we make the trip, will the money be worth it? Furthermore, should we even make this voyage to space? Personally, I think the trip to space is not worth it. Weââ¬â¢ve destroyed Earth beyond our imaginations could ever take us, and taken this world although itââ¬â¢s not rightfully ours. If we colonize space, we will only do what weââ¬â¢ve done to Earth: eradicate it like we have done to Earth.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦And with them, the probability of humans existing in the centuries to come is at risk. We cannot throw the blame on Earth or its other living animals because it isnââ¬â¢t their fault, itââ¬â¢s ours. What would take place in space colonization? The exact same events would happen: pollution, global warming, and wasted resources. If we keep moving similar to this, we would destroy all possible living areas available in the unknown world outside. Is this what you want? Money is an important factor in everyday life nowadays, and if this expedition to colonize space was made, billions of dollars would be needed. The question is, if we do choose to make this daring trip, will the money be worth it? Will the trip even make it? Many think that we should colonize space, saying that resources are decreasing and the only solution to that is moving into space. But why are we even thinking that? The spread of global warming, limited resources, heavier pollution and rising population, are all causes to why we are even thinking about settling in space. Who is the cause of that? Humans, otherwise known as us, who have damaged their homing planet more than any creature has ever done in h istory, are the cause of it. We canââ¬â¢t blame anyone ââ¬â or anything ââ¬â else for polluting, global warming, increased population, can we? No matter how hard we try, throwing the blame on anyone or anything else is impossible, because we are the cause, whether we like it or not. Before the present-day UnitedShow MoreRelatedDisgrace by J.M Coetzee1222 Words à |à 5 Pagesdifferences in experiences of the ââ¬Ëpost-colonizerââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëpost-colonizedââ¬â¢. In this paper I will be looking at prospective analogies; the female body being a territory for colonial and post-colonial conquest and also the protagonist Lurie himself being symbolic of the colonial enterprise whose power exists in residual. Beginning with the issue of body, there are two major characters who despite being constructed differently in different spaces experience patriarchal and colonial power equations. MelanieRead MoreThe Body And Identity Of Afro Descendant Women1618 Words à |à 7 Pagescreated and modified by the western/European world, they have also been influenced by the theories of race and mestizaje that also affected the portrayals of colonized women, defining beauty as a standard that expressed both desirability and racial superiority. This establishment of beauty standards, however, adapted to be able to consider colonized women as desirable in a sexual way, but at the same time, they were not related to the ideals of a ââ¬Ëgood womanââ¬â¢, a capable woman with an intellectual valueRead MoreLong Term Space Travel And Its Effects On The Human Body1427 Words à |à 6 PagesLong-term Space Travel and its Effects on the Human Body Synopsis: Humans are planning more space missions to Mars and deeper into the solar system. These manned missions require longer periods of time in space than any human has ever spent, as well as traveling farther from Earthââ¬â¢s protection than ever before. There has been very little research conducted regarding the effects of prolonged space travel on the human body. This paper examines how space travel will likely alter bodily functions. TheRead MoreThe Growing Rate Of Obesity Among The Community872 Words à |à 4 PagesSamoan students were often ostracized in classroom spaces because they were bullied by their peers for being ââ¬Å"fatâ⬠. Family members also contribute to the bullying by asking them certain questions such as, ââ¬Å"You look skinny are you sick? Or ââ¬Å"go to the prom with your cousin so that you wonââ¬â¢t embarrass your prom date and theyââ¬â¢re familyâ⬠. This has not been the common case in Samoan until they were colonized. When the United States of America colonized American Samoa, not did they bring with them theirRead MoreThe Emergence Of Cultures Throughout Our World1132 Words à |à 5 Pageshistorical events that have occurred. While colonization is only one of the many events, it is the leading factor that drives cultural development and establishment. During colonization, members of kinship and descent societies become occupied, colonized, and eventually an attempt is made to civilize the members into becoming more like the ââ¬Å"colonizersâ⬠. Such is what happened to the Native Americans when Europeans immigrated to what is now called the United States of America. At first, a proclamationRead MoreEssay about The Future of Earths Moon695 Words à |à 3 Pageslive on the Moon, you would feel like you only weigh 26 pounds. That is because the Moons gravity is only 17% of Earths gravity. You would float into the dark sky, and if you werent attached to anything stationary, you would float off into outer space, and probably never return. No doubt that the Moon has been in existence for a long time, there are still many millions of years left for us to explore what the Moon has in store for us. The age of the moon is quite controversial. Scientists haveRead MoreAmerica s Political Situation Of The World Essay893 Words à |à 4 Pagesas an open land to exploit, Tom Paine suggest an idea that United States should secure for independence and set up republic. According to Paine, people in the United States are chosen to create new world order and commerce to change the history. The way to approach trade and relationship with colonized countries also gives an advantage to the United States. Therefore, United States maximized its profit by trading colonized countries directly. This shows United States does not constitute common ideaRead MoreBarbie Vs Bratz : Global Models Of Beauty For Women Of Color1755 Words à |à 8 Pagessymbolic of attractiveness for Black women than for Black men (Hill, 2002). Furthermore, physical appearance is more socially emphasized as a measure of worth for women than for men. In this paper, I will use qualitative interview data to explore the spaces and processes through which beauty standards are iterated in order to argue that Eurocentric beauty standards are based on a white/non-white dichotomy that advantages whiteness and limits and exoticizes models of beauty available to women of colorRead MoreThe Expansion Of The United States1638 Words à |à 7 PagesThe beginnings of a new nation involve colonizing land, buying it, or even going to war over it. The Unites States started off in 1607 when Englishmen colonized and founded Jamestown, Virginia while the Indian people lived in the land . In 1803 President Jefferson acted beyond the constitution and made the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the United States in size, because he did not want the French people in North America . The expansion of the United States continued throughout the years . In 1846Read MoreRomantic Idea of Outer Space1180 Words à |à 5 Pagescompeting visions of space culture. These are the romantic ideal, of space being the final frontier, the minutia of people who act, emotionless like machines and the post-apocalyptic view of a desolated wasteland. This idea of space-power has always been present in the United States since the 1960s. In American culture space exploration and discovery has always been fascinating to the American society. . In movies like Space Cowboys and Armageddon, show the shooting up of rockets into space as a glorious
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Human Development A Simple Farmer Or Hunter Gatherer
Man has developed far beyond his humble beginning as a simple farmer or hunter gatherer. We have innovated, globalized and expanded our knowledge in many different areas in science and technology and with these expansions have changed our societies and world forever; most of them in a positive light. However, has our vast human development inhibited us from our basic duties and social responsibility to each other. Have we forgotten simply to care for each other and acknowledge each other as one species; made in His image with a fundamental goodness that must be met in order to obtain absolute love and truth. Has the charity between man and neighbor been forgotten? In modern translation, it is acceptable to replace charity with love and vise versa, however, the modern translation of these words have been diluted from their original scriptural meanings. The Greeks had four words for ââ¬Å"loveâ⬠. Agape, which was used to identify love that was selflessly committed to the well-being of another, while phileo (brotherly-love), eros (romantic love) and storge (fondness) we used to describe the inner affections. When the word agape was used in the context of vertical action (God towards man and/or man towards God), it is translated as ââ¬Å"love.â⬠However, when the word agape is used in the context of horizontal action (person to person), it is translated as charity. In modern translations, love has become more of an abstract passivity than its original meaning; we have mentally equated it toShow MoreRelatedDiscuss the negative and positive aspects of the development of agriculture. Was it, or was it not the worst mistake in the history of the human race?1690 Words à |à 7 PagesDiscuss the negative and positive aspects of the development of agriculture. Was it, or was it not the worst mistake in the history of the human race? Agriculture is not just a way of growing food; it involves in whole spectrum of cultural changes and adaptations by early human communities. The demands and effects of practicing agriculture as a means of survival created a new kind of community life, with new opportunities and new problems for humanity. For most of our history we supported ourselvesRead MoreOrigins of Agriculture: the stepping stone for civilization Essay1426 Words à |à 6 Pagespeople do not think highly of the farmer and of agriculture in general. After all, there is no visible connection between the rural and the urban life. As long as the food is on the table or in the market, agriculture is simply not important to most people. However, not that many people think that school, sports, movies, and society would not be possible without agriculture. Agriculture was a crucial science that gave rise to the earliest of settlements and allowed humans to grow. Agriculture began aroundRead MoreGuns, Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond1402 Words à |à 6 PagesGerms and Steelâ⬠by Jared Diamond, Part Two talks about the roots of guns, germs, and steel, geographical differences relating to food production, causes of the spread of food production, development of ancient crops that are still used today, and domestication . Jared Diamond mostly likes to talk about the development of the Eurasian society and why they are more powerful. Instead of proximate causes that get straight to the point, he takes a different route that leads to ultimate causes. Ultimate causesRead MoreGuns, Germs, And Steel Guided Reading1669 Words à |à 7 Pagesand how does the author rephrase it? Yaliââ¬â¢s question is: ââ¬Å"Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?â⬠The author rephrased the question as: ââ¬Å"Why did human development proceed at such different rates on different continents?â⬠2. What are the objections to the question? The first objection to the question confuses explanation and justification. It argues that trying to answer the question would serve to justifyRead MoreGuns, Germs, and Steel Essay2859 Words à |à 12 PagesGuns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, by Jared Diamond, attempts to explain why history progressed differently for people from various geographical regions. Diamond introduces his book by pointing out that history followed different courses for different people because of differences among peoplesââ¬â¢ environments, not because of biological differences among people themselves. Through his convincing explanation for how civilizations were created and evolved throughout the course of historyRead MoreFrom Hunter Gatherers to Agricultural Societies2160 Words à |à 9 Pagesmove from hunter-gatherers to agriculturists, and what were the impacts socially, politically, and technically? ââ¬Å"Agriculture did not emerge from an untapped resource base or randomly dist ributed family or tribal units of Homo sapiens sapiens. It emerged as the result of efforts by highly organized ecologically canny communities composed of skilled hunter-gatherers.â⬠In the beginning of what is considered burgeoning civilization, humanities ancestors were what were called hunter-gatherers. They movedRead MoreGuns, Germs, And Steel By Jared Diamond1453 Words à |à 6 Pagesinteracting with their given environments. Diamond aimed to show his view that the social and racial hierarchy of the present only developed because of the conditions different groups of people had to cope with in the past. Diamond shows the theme humans interacting with their environment most unequivocally in chapter 11 (Lethal Gift of Livestock). In this chapter, Diamond talks about how and why certain groups of people were able to develop diseases that wiped out other populations, while other groupsRead MoreGuns, Germs, And Steel By Jared Diamond1513 Words à |à 7 Pagespeople seems to have the upper hand in the social hierarchy, Diamond shows his view that, in actuality, it only became this way because of the conditions that different groups of people had to cope with in the past. Diamond shows the theme humans interacting with their environment most unequivocally in part three (From Food to Guns, Germs, and Steel), specifically in chapter 11 (Lethal Gift of Livestock). In this chapter, Diamond talks about how and why certain groups of people were able toRead MoreThe Origin of Food Production Essay2417 Words à |à 10 Pagescontribution required and discourages food shortage trepidation amongst individuals. It is hard to fathom given the current status of our society massive agricultural-industrial complex that the hunter-gatherer organization of society dominated for more than 99 percent of our existence (Fagan 2007: 126). The hunter-gatherer population was characterized by their primary subsistence method, which involved the direct procurement of edible plants and animals from the wild. The primary methods employed were foragingRead MoreGuns and Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Society by Jared Diamond 1621 Words à |à 7 PagesUltimately, re aders learn that domestic plants and animals account for the environmental developments of each society. For example, it was important to understand when the plants and animals were domesticated in the region and why some chose to adopt certain growing and domination techniques and some did not. Readers also learn that the spread of plants and animals play a significant role in the development and growth of societies. ââ¬Å"Writing marched together with weapons, microbes (germs), and centralized
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Rights And The Declaration Of Independence - 942 Words
When an individual is born, they are automatically given human rights. Human rights are rights that are entitled to every human regardless of sex, race, ethnic origin, or status. Within our Nation, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were very important documents that changed how we lived. These documents were established on the foundation of human rights because of how essential every man was in the country. Human rights play a major role within our life but not everyone is aware of them. These documents made it clear that human rights allow us to be who we are as an individual and led us to a more equal lifestyle. The Declaration of Independence was created with human rights in mind. In the Declaration of Independence, they explained why the colonies chose to overthrow their ruler and become independent and be separate nation in the world. Within this document there are four parts. The beginning, also known as the preamble is the most essential part. The preamble justifies the rights of the citizens of America. It reads, ââ¬Å"we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.â⬠When Thomas Jefferson states that ââ¬Å"all men are created equalâ⬠he means that all citizens are of equal worth and value in the eyes of god. This is basically what human rights are. The pursuit of happiness is allowing anShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of Independence : A Vital Part Of The Global Human Rights Regime Essay1258 Words à |à 6 Page s The Declaration of Independence states ââ¬Å"that all men are created equalâ⬠. In practice, this has not always been the case, even in the United States. Since the end of World War II and the founding of the United Nations though, the global community has walked together down the path to make it a reality. As the world has walked this path, the scope has expanded beyond just men to include women and children as well. The together part of the journey must be stressed, because no one country is capableRead MoreInfluence Of The Magna Carta789 Words à |à 4 Pageshere. The Magna Carta influenced many ideas of English justice and law. These same ideas in the Magna Carta influenced the Amendments to our US Constitution. The amendments to the US Constitution incorporated the same protections found in the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta. One of these protections are seen in Clause 1 of the Magna Carta which involves the freedom of the Church of England. This same provision is s een in our 1st Amendment to our US Constitution which outlines our freedom of religionRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The Treaty Of The Rights Of Man933 Words à |à 4 Pagescraft a better future. They inspire new ,, and sometimes even revolution. Two documents of the 18th century, The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Rights of man established and angle for which we view human rights, liberties, and human freedoms. While the underlying motivations of the declarations each have a distinct purpose, the intent to establish universal human rights parallel and often mimic one another in language and meaning. Both documents however have interesting contradictionsRead MoreWomen s Oppression During The Land Of The Free1336 Words à |à 6 PagesSupposedly Land of the Free The Declaration of Independence represents justice, equality, and natural human rights. Written to liberate American citizens from British control, the document stood for the colonists to live as freely as they wished. As grand as this document is, the pronouns and terminology used throughout this document is in the eye of controversy when the rights and status of women become involved. Mary Wollstonecraft, writer of A Vindication of the Rights of Women, is a major forerunnerRead More Modern Day Relevance of The Declaration of Independence Essay969 Words à |à 4 PagesRelevance of The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents produced by an American thinker. Reading The Declaration of Independence presents the reader with a window into the world of revolutionary America. It conveys the dynamic nature of the time better than any written work of the period. The real importance of The Declaration of Independence lies not in the purpose for which Jefferson created it, to declare independence from Great BritainRead MoreInfluence Of The Declaration Of Independence711 Words à |à 3 PagesThe Influence of the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, influenced the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights which was later written by James Madison in 1787. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to declare independence from England and outline what rights they wanted and why they should have them because their voices and opinions were not being heard. The goal for the US Constitution was to ensure that the new governmentRead MoreThe Ideals of the Declaration of Independence862 Words à |à 4 Pages The Ideals of the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is the most important document in the history of the most influential nation in the modern world ââ¬â The United States of America. Many other nations and societies that have gained their independence since this declaration was drafted in 1776 have used the four key ideals contained within it as a guide for their own independence. This document did much more than achieve independence for the U.S; it would drasticallyRead MoreCommon Sense Vs. Declaration Of Independence957 Words à |à 4 PagesCommon Sense v. Declaration of Independence Common Sense written by Thomas Paine in January of 1776, enlightened its readers and ignited the colonists towards the American Revolution. Common Sense was the first document that established a suggestion towards a constitutional form of government. The foundation of the main points in Common Sense were the upbringing of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson in July of 1776 approximately 7 monthsRead MoreThe Last Utopia By Samuel Moyn Essay951 Words à |à 4 Pagesanticolonial movement was not a human rights struggle, writing, ââ¬Å"If anticolonialism generally spurned human rights, one might say, it was because it was a rights of man movement, with all the prior fidelity to the state that concept implied in modern history.â⬠Moynââ¬â¢s emphasis on the state here is telling. Because the rights that a nation could provide were particular to its citizens, not international, they could not be human rights. The â⬠Å"rights of manâ⬠were not the rights of all. Further, Moyn viewsRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Declaration Of Independence960 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. The document announced that the colonies regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states no longer under British rule. The writers of the Declaration expressed ideals stating that men are created equal and that all men have basic human rights given to them by God. The purpose of a government, according to the Founding Fathers, was to protect the basic
Writing and Reflection Paper Free Essays
Start with writing the first draft. Describe your reflective essay project. How did it contribute to your self development? Evaluate the quality of your work within your reflective essay. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing and Reflection Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Did you achieve your goals? Tell how you might have made your project better. Revise your first draft. Be complete when telling ââ¬Å"what happenedâ⬠and use descriptive details to describe your actions. Stick to the point. Concentrate on your reflective essay project as a whole and include the details that really affected the final outcome of the project. Tell about your experiences while working on your essay. Answer the question: ââ¬Å"What did you learn?â⬠Write in a clear style that your reader can understand. Show your essay to a friend for helpful feedback. Some Helpful Tips: What to Include When writing a reflection paper on literature or another experience, the point is to include your thoughts and reactions to the reading or experience. You can present your feelings upon reading what you read and why. You can also use a reflection paper to analyze what you have read. Just like in any other paper or essay, be cohesive, refer to the specific passage or quote the material that drew this feeling, reflection or analysis from you and why. It is okay to include personal experience in a reflection paper, but do not depend on it; base your reactions and reflections in the material that is your subject. What to Leave Out Do not use a reflection paper to simply summarize what you have read or done. It is also recommended not to use a reflection paper as a free flow of ideas and thoughts. Again, the idea of a reflection paper is to write an essay describing your reactions and analysis to a reading or other experience; however, it is more formal than a journal entry, so leave out informal language and form. How to Organize Your Thoughts A reflection paper should be organized as you would another formal essay. Be sure to include an introduction, perhaps that suggests what yourà expectations were on the reading or experience beforehand. You may also want to summarize the conclusions you came to in the introduction. Then move on to the body of your paper, explain separately the conclusions you have come to and why, basing your conclusions in concrete details from your reading and experience. End the paper with a conclusion that sums up what you got from the reading. You might want to refer back to what your conclusions are in relation to your expectations or come to some other conclusion or analysis about the text or experience in light of your feelings and reactions. How to cite Writing and Reflection Paper, Papers
The Great Awakening free essay sample
During a time when spiritual feelings where non-existing, the American people where searching for something to bring back the spiritual ness of Christianity. This was the start of the Great Awakenings. These big revivals had a large and lasting affect on American society. They introduced changes in social and religious practices. The first Great Awakening started in the 1730ââ¬â¢s and ended in the 1740ââ¬â¢s. It brought with it a new spirit of religious fervor to the colonies. The revival appealed mostly to women and sons of the third and fourth generation because the revival emphasized the potential of every person to be able to start anew, no matter their past, with their relationship with God. People associated this with the ability to break away from their family or community and start a new life. The Great Awakening also led to the division of many existing congregations and to the founding of new ones. Edwards was dismissed by his parishioners in 1749 and he later died on a mission with Indians. The great awakening also Instilled religious toleration In the colonies. One of the major results of the Great Awakening was it unified most of the Americans in a understanding of the Christian faith and life. Education also was a major result of the Awakening. The colleges of , Brown, , and Dartmouth were all founded because of the Awakening. It also led most evangelicals to denounce slavery as sinful. With the end of the Great Awakening drawing near, Americans were already rejecting both the radical views as well as Armenian ones.Europe was going through another change of their own as well, the Enlightenment. This like the Great Awakening had a keen affect on colonists since many of its great leaders were greatly influenced by English thought. It was a movement marked by an emphasis on rationality rather than tradition. Science started appealing to more people as well as a representative government in place of a monarchy. Isaac Newton discovery of the works of gravity and the other laws of motion propelled the Enlightenment. AsAmericans developed a new mode of thought that impersonal laws governed all matter the so called age of reason came about. New religious views then came out of this such as Deism. Ben Franklin, an enlightenment thinker and deist, believed in the ideal of humane rationality. He Founded the American Philosophical Society, so that he and other men could discuss morals, politics, and natural philosophy. The Enlightenment could be considered a huge advances in science at the time, because of breakthroughs in electricity by Benjamin Franklin.
Friday, May 1, 2020
What is your favorite word, and why free essay sample
What is your favorite word, and why? It was a word that we loved as children, a word that fluctuates between good and bad in our adolescent years, and a word that we will love some day, once again. Itââ¬â¢s astounding how one short word that is often said without thought can be part of us throughout our entire lives, and this is why ââ¬Å"pretendâ⬠is one of my favorite words. This simple, six-letter word brings back childhood memories of my closest cousins and me. We used this word as a noun quite often. It was one of our favorite and also one of the only games that we took part in. Every time that we visited each other, we played Pretend. Pretending that we were rescuing animals off of our blue bunk bed ship. Pretending that he was Tarzan and I was Jane. Pretending that the pool Polaris was an angry, monstrous shark. We will write a custom essay sample on What is your favorite word, and why? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When asked what we had done all day, our reply would start off as, ââ¬Å"We played Pretend a lot! We pretended thatâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ and then we would proceed to tell the poor, innocent questioner of all our adventures of that day. Although ââ¬Å"pretendâ⬠is often limited to a word used solely by imaginative children, it doesnââ¬â¢t leave our vocabulary as we grow into our teenage years. We prefer to use it in different contexts. Instead of ââ¬Å"playing pretendâ⬠, we now pretend that we like her shirt. We pretend that we donââ¬â¢t care. We pretend that everything is fine, and we pretend that we really do know what weââ¬â¢re talking about (because teenagers know everything). Pretending becomes a verb. It becomes a way to hide things, a way to fit in. A way to be somebody who weââ¬â¢re not. Even when Iââ¬â¢m grown and have a family of my own this word will still be with me. Iââ¬â¢ll turn it back into a noun and Iââ¬â¢ll, once again, play Pretend with my own creative children. Weââ¬â¢ll pretend that we are Cowboys and Indians. Weââ¬â¢ll pretend that weââ¬â¢re lost in the jungle. Theyââ¬â¢ll probably pretend that itââ¬â¢s not bedtimeâ⬠¦but, maybe, Iââ¬â¢ll pretend, just as my mother did, that I simply lost track of time. As my future family grows, this word will grow with them. I will have the privilege of watching as they carry this word throughout their awkward years and then through to their own families. Then theyââ¬â¢ll realize, just as I do now, that pretending is a way of life. It is a cycle. It has neither beginning nor ending but is a continual, rolling wheel. This cycle does not stop its many revolutions until we reach a stand still. Until the day that we pretend to sleep ââ¬â forever.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Database project proposal Essay Example
Database project proposal Paper The Queue is a company that provides service to customers by helping them buy products. Customers can order not only hot products that spent much time to queue, but also simple products for helping customers save their times. For example: Concert tickets, Garrett popcorn, Cataracts buy one free one promotion, or Jams books at the national book fair. Customers can contact with our company by using our websites to ask for the information and order products. Customers must register as our members and there will be the order form to order products. Our company will receive orders and queue up for them. Business situation and constraints: Customer must register as companys members by giving their information such as first name, last name, telephone number, and address. One customer can order many products but at least one product per time. Customer need to fill in the order products form. Customer has to complete the payment form after ordering products which consists of using bank, amount of money, and date. Each order has order details that contain order detail d, amount, total price, product ID. Each partner companies can have zero to many products. Partner companies contain only unique company name. Products contain unique product id and product name. Order detail uses for making a queue to buy products. A staff can received many orders but many orders can come from only one staff or else a staff can be able not to receive any orders. Our company has two types of employees, which are staff and manager. Both of them contain employee ID, employee name, employee phone number. We will write a custom essay sample on Database project proposal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Database project proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Database project proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Manager is an employee who has experiences. Orders that specified by its order id can be placed or cant be placed on only one event. An event which is specified by its event name can be located at many locations which contain unique name and location address. Template 2: System (SIS) Requirements Database Application name: The Queue Description: The queue database uses to collect data of the whole business include all the products that customer order and their order detail, list of customers with information, Employees information, etc. Requirements Data Requirements: Customers information Payments information Orders and its detail Employees information Products that customer ordered and its company information Events that customer want our company to go and buy products and its location Functional Requirements: Insert There is ability for customer to order products and it will be inserted to the database. Administrator can be able to insert order for customer. Update Customers can be able to update their members information. Administrator can be able to update staff to queue for order from customer in the database. Delete Administrator can be able to delete order. System Interface Requirements: Our companys system needs to connect to credit card system for the payment method. Control Requirements: Customers pay for the payment. Customers order the orders. The orders that customer had order take placed at the events. The events located at location. Order from customers has order detail. Order detail use to queue for the products. Partners company has products. Staff received orders from customers. Payment use to pay on orders. Template 3: Database Analysis and Design Database Analysis Identify Entity: Entity Name Description Properties (Attributes) Customers Customer who want to reserve/buy via our service. Customers, Fame, Lame, Phone, C adder Events The event that customer want to reserve queue from such as concert reservation, phones reservation. Eventuate Location The place that those events take place such as Thai ticket major, apple store. Name, L adder Products Product that customers want to buy/reserve. Product, Productions Company Partner companies Companys Orders Order from customer Orders Order detail Detail of order Retardation, Tailpiece, Amount Payment Customer must pay reservation fee and the cost of products. Payment, Date, Amount, Bank Employee Employees of our company. Employed, Employment, Phone Staff The person who manages reservation process Manager The person who control company. Experience Identify Relationships: Relationship Name Degree/ Entity in the Relationship Connectivity / Cardinality One-to-One One-to-Many pay, order, placed, located, had, queue for, has, received Disjoint disjoint, disjoint System Structure Chart Initial RE Diagram
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Dragonflies, Suborder Anisoptera
Dragonflies, Suborder Anisoptera All dragonflies belong to the order Odonata, as do their close cousins, the damselflies. Because there are distinct differences between dragonflies and damselflies, taxonomists divide the order into two suborders. The suborder Anisoptera includes only the dragonflies. Description: So what makes a dragonfly a dragonfly, as opposed to a damselfly? Lets start with the eyes. In the dragonflies, the eyes are quite large, so large in fact they make up the bulk of the head. The eyes often meet at the top of the head, or come close to it. Next, look at the dragonflys body. Dragonflies tend to be stocky. When resting, a dragonfly holds its wings open horizontally. The hind wings appear broader at their bases than the fore wings. Male dragonflies will typically have a single pair of cerci at their hind ends, as well as a single appendage projecting from the underside of the tenth abdominal segment (called an epiproct). Female dragonflies often bear vestigial or nonfunctional ovipositors. Dragonfly nymphs (sometimes called larvae, or naiads) are entirely aquatic. Like their parents, larval dragonflies generally have stocky bodies. They breathe through gills located in their rectums (theres an interesting bit of insect trivia for you), and can propel themselves forward by expelling water from the anus. They also bear five short, spiky appendages at the hind end, giving the nymph a rather pointed appearance. Classification: Kingdom ââ¬â AnimaliaPhylum ââ¬â ArthropodaClass ââ¬â InsectaOrder ââ¬â OdonataSuborder - Anisoptera Diet: All dragonflies are predaceous throughout their life cycles. Adult dragonflies hunt other insects, including smaller dragonflies and damselflies. Some dragonflies capture prey in flight, while others will glean meals from vegetation. Naiads eat other aquatic insects, and will also catch and consume tadpoles and small fish. Life Cycle: Dragonflies undergo simple, or incomplete, metamorphosis, with just three stages to the life cycle: egg, larva or nymph, and adult. Mating in dragonflies is a fairly acrobatic achievement, and which sometimes begins with the male scooping out his competitors sperm and flinging it aside. Once mated, the female dragonfly deposits her eggs in or near the water. Depending on the species, the eggs may take anywhere from a few days to over a month to hatch. Some species overwinter as eggs, delaying the start of the larval stage until the following spring. The aquatic nymphs will molt and grow repeatedly, a dozen times or more. In the tropics, this stage may last only a month. In temperate areas, the larval stage can be considerably longer, and even last for several years. When the adult is ready to emerge, the larva climbs out of the water and fixes itself to a stem or other substrate. It sheds its exoskeleton one final time, and the adult emerges, looking pale and delicate in its teneral stage. The castoff skin that usually remains affixed to the substrate is called the exuvia. Special Adaptations and Behaviors: Dragonflies operate each of their four wings independently, which enables them to perform sophisticated aerial moves. Observe dragonflies patrolling around a pond, and youll see that they can take off vertically, hover, and even fly backwards. The dragonflys large, compound eyes each consist of about 30,000 individual lenses (called ommatidia). Most of their brainpower goes to processing visual information. A dragonflys range of vision is nearly a full 360à °; the only place it cant see well is directly behind it. With such keen eyesight and skillful maneuverability in the air, dragonflies can be tricky to catch ââ¬â just ask anyone who has ever tried to net one! Families in the Suborder Anisoptera: Petaluridae ââ¬â petaltails, graybacks Gomphidae ââ¬â clubtails Aeshnidae ââ¬â darners Cordulegastridae ââ¬â spiketails, biddies Corduliidae ââ¬â cruisers, emeralds, green-eyed skimmers Libellulidae ââ¬â skimmers Range and Distribution: Dragonflies live throughout the world, wherever aquatic habitats exist to support their life cycle. Members of the suborder Anisoptera number roughly 2,800 worldwide, with over 75% of these species living in the tropics. About 300 species of true dragonflies inhabit the U.S. mainland and Canada. Sources: Borror and DeLongs Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. JohnsonSuborder Anisoptera - Dragonflies, BugGuide.Net, accessed November 23, 2012Anisoptera, University of Wisconsin BioWeb, accessed November 23, 2012Dragonflies and Damselflies, Odonata, University of Florida, accessed November 23, 2012Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West, by Dennis Paulson
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